One of my favourite occasions every year is the presentation of the prizes in the East Riding Poetry Competition. This year’s day, Saturday 3rd February, proved no exception. It was held in the light-filled North Bridlington Library with a morning workshop by East Riding Poet Laureate Cassandra Parkin, and just before the announcement of the winners in the afternoon, electric performances from local poets Catherine Scott and Amanda Crundall.
Fellow judge Wendy Pratt was with me to announce the winners and runners up and to read the entries from any winners who couldn’t make it. It was inspiring to hear so many fabulous poems on the theme of My Perfect Place. Particularly to have our triumvirate of woman poets to take all the adult prizes and to be there to read them in person. The audience were very appreciative, and I came away feeling replenished by the warmth and creativity of the day.
A full list of the prizewinners and their poems can be found by clicking here.
On a personal note it was so lovely to be able to cycle on a sunny day from our Bridlington base, past the beautiful priory church, to the library. It almost felt like Spring.